Need a way to safely remove nail polish from tile floors? Follow this tutorial on how to remove spilled nail polish from a tile floor.
I have five daughters now, and like most little girls, my daughters like to pain their finger nails and toe nails from time to time.
Generally, when they pain their nails, I make them paint their nails outside. This does two things: makes it so the nail polish fumes are outdoors instead of inside, and two, makes it so if they spill nail polish, it is spilled on cement or grass or things I don’t usually care about or have to worry about removing nail polish off of.
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However, just because they paint their nails outside, it doesn’t mean that the nail polish is kept outside when not in use!
With toddlers, and sometimes not super careful older girls, we one day had a nail polish bottle that wasn’t screwed on tight and it fell over and spilled purple nail polish all over the tile floor in their bathroom.
As renters, we don’t want an ugly stain preventing us from getting our renter’s deposit back, so I had to figure out a way to safely remove nail polish spill from the tile floor without damaging the shine and sheen of the tile.
I didn’t know about the nail polish stain quick enough, so using sugar on it wasn’t a possibility (I tried – it was already too dry).
Instead I did a little more searching and tried what usually works – nail polish remover. First, I put a razor to it, in case the nail polish spread once the nail polish remover was applied.
Here’s how you can do it too! Watch my video on how to remove nail polish from tile floor (or linoleum floor) on Youtube!
Follow the instructions below!
How to Get Nail Polish Off Tile Floor
Materials Needed to remove nail polish from floor tiles:
- Nail polish remover (acetone)
- Cotton Balls
- Razor (optional)
- Clean rag
- Water
- Soap (hand soap or dish soap)
Time needed: 10 minutes
How to Take Nail Polish Off Tile Floor
- Using a scraper or razor, gently scrape off excessive nail polish paint globs.
This may be optional, and could potentially damage your floor, so you can try skipping this step altogether!
- Wet cotton ball with acetone.
Gently apply some acetone nail polish remover to a cotton ball.
- Remove nail polish with acetone from tile floor.
Using the nail polish remover soaked cotton ball, gently rub at the nail polish spill on your tile floor.
- Keep going until removed.
Keep wiping, rewetting, and getting out new cotton balls as needed (change to a new one when cotton ball becomes too colored from nail polish) until all the stain is removed.
- Wipe down with a wet soapy rag and dry.
Get a clean cloth wet, put a little soap on it, and wipe the floor tile where the acetone removed the nail polish. Rinse with clean water, then dry.
And that’s it! For more cleaning tutorials, be sure to pick up a copy of Speed Clean the Deep Clean or check out the many tutorials I have here on my blog!
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