In case you missed it, I gave my husband a year of date nights for Christmas last year, because the gift of love is the best gift of all! I gave him 12 envelopes, 1 for each month, and each month I planned out two dates, one date night in, one date night out. Over the last year, we have had a great time going on more dates than we have in the past, even if our planned dates haven’t always gone according to my master plan. The important this is that we prioritized spending time together and going out on dates.
The Invite Envelope
Month eleven was November. November is our anniversary month! We celebrated 5 years! Here is what my envelope said:
Dear Josh,
Round and round and round it spins. Where will it land? Who will you have to kiss? Find out in our Spin the Bottle Date Night at home this month.
And then let’s enjoy a nice romantic dinner and a movie to celebrate our 5 year anniversary!
The Date Night In
I received an awesome date night kit from called “Spin the Bottle.” It’s a date night in game that’s really an excuse for a good make-out and romancing. We placed the 12 printable paper discs in a circle around our bottle, which disks read things like “What do you love most about my personality?” and “Roses are red, violets are blue, take something off so I can see more of you!” as well as some truth or date challenges, among many others. After we did one card, we replaced it with another. We had a blast playing this! It certainly made for a unique date night at home!
We placed the 12 printable paper discs in a circle around our bottle, which disks read things like “What do you love most about my personality?” and “Roses are red, violets are blue, take something off so I can see more of you!” as well as some truth or date challenges, among many others. After we did one card, we replaced it with another. We had a blast playing this! It certainly made for a unique date night at home!
*Update: I apologize that this kit is no longer available! The website is no longer operational, at all. However, if you want other great date night at home kits and ideas, I would highly recommend checking out The Dating Divas’ Sexy Spin the Bottle Date Night for easy printables and ideas, as well as their The Dating Divas Ultimate Date Night Book. It has awesome printables and planning tips and more.
The Date Night Out
For our anniversary in November, we went out to a new movie theater in Indy called Studio Movie Grill. I had won four free tickets to it from a local blog. We decided to invite a couple to join us. We had intended to go see Ender’s Game, but we arrived too late on a Saturday night, so we ended up seeing Thor: The Dark World, which wasn’t our first choice, and the movie was just okay. We also ordered food to eat while watching the movie, which was okay (not quite worth the price tag) but it was a fun experience. And as always, it’s always great to get out on real dates with my husband!
What have you done with your spouse lately for your date nights?
The One Year of Dates Nights Series:
A Year of Dates – Month One Date Nights
A Year of Dates – Month Two Date Nights
A Year of Dates – Month Three Date NightsA Year of Dates – Month Four Date Nights
A Year of Dates – Month Five Date NightsA Year of Dates – Month Six Date Nights
A Year of Dates – Month Seven Date Nights
A Year of Dates – Month Eight Date Nights
A Year of Dates – Month Nine Date Nights
A Year of Dates – Month Ten Date Nights
A Year of Dates – Month Eleven Date Nights
How to Create Your Own Year of Dates Gift
Follow my Marriage Board on Pinterest for more great date ideas and marriage advice!
Aubrey says
I love this idea! I just might give this to Jed for valentine’s day- meaning the 12 months of dates. We participate in a babysitting swap which is awesome!! but we always end up going grocery shopping or working on household projects (lame!) I’m excited to actually have fun, meaningful dates- thanks for the idea!
Katelyn Fagan says
Yeah!! That’s awesome you have a babysitting swap going on! Now to take better advantage of it! I know we definitely went on more dates when I had them all planned out ahead of time! We didn’t always stick to what I had originally planned, but I’m pretty sure we still ended up going on a date out each month (though a few times with kids in tow). Have fun!
Jennie Moss says
This is such a fantastic idea. We have gotten into a slump for dates, and I need to do something like this!! 🙂
Brenna @ Life After Laundry says
What a cute date idea!
Rea says
This is actually a great idea! One of my goals this year is to have at least one date night with my husband and January wasn’t just the perfect timing. This means I have to work harder on keeping myself free of obligations even just for a day or so. This must be done! Hehe thanks for sharing! 🙂
Alexis Krystina says
This is too cute! What a great idea! 🙂
Brittnei says
I can see this more as a fun way to keep dating in your marriage and that is so awesome. Loved your spin the bottle idea. Thank you for sharing this with us at Countdown in Style.
Cindy @MomMaven says
I love the idea of this game. After 22 years of marriage sometimes date night gets a bit boring.
April says
I’m going to have to get more info on this. The last night out was just a night of sushi. I would love to do something different. We need to try new things, now that we have time. Thanks for sharing and linking up with Countdown in Style! Don’t forget to come back on Friday to see if you were featured!
Bonnie Way says
These are great ideas!!! You are totally right that planning is necessary – otherwise nothing will happen! I will have to try this. Thanks for sharing!
kimberly amici says
I love the idea of this! My husband and I are pretty good about going out together but the things we do quickly get old so I love the idea of having them planned ahead of time. I think this might be a great idea for Valentine’s day.
Della says
Thanks for the great ideas! I am putting together a year of dates now – and I would love to add this version of Spin the Bottle. But I just tried the link and it won’t work for me to purchase. 🙁 Do you know if this is still available??
Katelyn Fagan says
Hmmm, it doesn’t look like it’s working. I know they haven’t updated their site or social media in a long time. Which is unfortunate because I really like their date night kits. I might just have to make my own version that I can post on my blog then.
Della says
Thanks for checking. If you do happen to make up your own could you let me know please. I would be interested in it. And I have a few months till that date comes around. Thanks!
Jenn says
This is so cute! Thank you for sharing so much! Really inspirational and nothing but love stems from it! All the best ! Jenn