A new Amazon Best-Seller, Baby Got VBAC contains wisdom from 23 different authors familiar with VBAC. Among the authors are everyday moms like myself, birth coaches, doulas, labor and delivery nurses, birth photographers, OBGYNS, and midwives.
This VBAC book is full of healing, knowledge, hope, and inspiration over its 438 pages. There are stories of all different types of VBACs, of support, of research, of wisdom.
While a vaginal birth is not possible for everyone, nor is it medically the best choice for all moms, or even desired by many, for those who are looking for a different, hopefully better, birth experience after their first (or even second or third) C-Section, it is our hope and prayer that this VBAC book will help you feel empowered in whatever choice you do make.
It is our goal to empower mothers to have a confident birth. We share personal tips and experiences that help not only educate moms on how to advocate for themselves while pursuing a VBAC but also how to heal from past birth traumas. Each chapter is vulnerable and transparent as we share exactly what we went through, how it made us feel, and how we overcame obstacles that we faced.
This is for a 6″x9″ and 1″ thick paperback copy.
Published January 31, 2021.
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