My styling fee was waived in exchange for an honest review of Stitch Fix. I received this box December 2016 in time for the holidays.
I wasn’t sold on Stitch Fix after my first box, and questioned whether the cost of Stitch Fix made it something frugal people (like myself) could really get behind and use, or if it is something solely for those with extra income because of the Stitch Fix prices.
If you are unfamiliar with Stitch Fix, they are a styling service that handpicks fashion pieces – clothing and accessories – for you and ships them to your door however often you’d like. They use a comprehensive style quiz to determine what to ship you every month (see full details of what in the Stitch Fix style quiz in my first post). They charge you a $20 styling fee each box, but shipping is free both ways and you are under no obligation to keep any of the pieces they send to you.
When it came to scheduling the second box, I didn’t have to fill out the style quiz again, though I could edit it, but was asked to add a note for my stylist or otherwise leave any comments.
If you have specific wants, definitely don’t be shy about telling them EXACTLY what you like to wear and any “must haves” in your styling or fabric choices or colors. Otherwise, you only have yourself to blame.
I made sure to include a link to my first Stitch Fix review from September 2016 so that my stylist could see my honest opinions about every piece I received in addition to the notes she already had from my quiz and info I submitted last time. She picked up that I did not want pieces that were dry clean or hand wash only ’cause Momma ain’t got time for that – machine washable is a must for me! With a link to my review, she was also able to see how various pieces fit my body.
Stitch Fix claims “each Fix gets better over time as we get to know you.” So here we go!
December 2016 Stitch Fix Review
I received five new pieces to try on (every box includes five pieces) via their Stitch Fix box, silver wrapping paper with Stitch Fix Holiday 2016 gold sticker on it, and neatly folded and/or boxed items. It also included my Styling Guide Card with a personal note from my stylist, the price sheet, and a return envelope.
This time I received another pencil skirt, another cardigan sweater, a blouse, a pair of denim jeans, and a necklace.
Stitch Fix Item #1 – Kut From the Kloth Simmons Bootcut Jean – $88
My stylist said I should start with trying on these KFTK Simmons jeans because “a great way to start the new year is with a fresh pair of denims and I think the fit will be super flattering on your silhouette.” And she is right – I am totally in need of a new pair of jeans as all of my are old, poor fitting (thanks to not dropping the weight postpartum after this last pregnancy), and need to go. I do want to start off my new year with a great pair of jeans!
The jeans fit very well. I liked how they came up a little higher, fit my midsection and butt great (aka no little muffin top or bulge while wearing them), were very soft and comfortable. However, they were very LONG! I am 5′ 9″ so I am on the cusp of needing to wear “long” pants but don’t always need to wear long bottoms. It really just depends on the cut of the pants. Too often long pants drag like crazy on me though, so it’s hard to know what I need when shopping for jeans in store and online.
To make these jeans not completely drag under my feet, I put on a pair of my high heels, and then they were still a tad long. But, let’s be real here – I would only *think* about wearing jeans with high heels on a date with the hubby, not as an everyday thing, and I really need jeans that I can wear the crap out of every single day. That’s what I really want!
I was slightly worried too about the fabric of the jeans as they were a lower cotton percentage and higher modal and spandex content than I usually wear in my jeans, which basically means I was worried that they would stretch out the longer I had them on and I might start cracking-a-lacking… If you know what I mean. I prefer a slightly sturdier denim that will stand up to the abuse I and my children might dish out to them.
It was ultimately the length that prevented me from purchasing them, but the Stitch Fix cost of $88 was also very high for a pair of jeans. I like to spend $20 or less on my jeans. I found several KFTK jeans on ThredUp (used) for about $24, a price I am very comfortable with for a pair of jeans. You can also find Kut from the Kloth elsewhere on sale brand new (and in your size) from Macy’s and Nordstrom in the $40-60 range plus take advantage of any other bonus savings.
However, I now know that Kut from the Kloth jeans are a nice fit in my size, so I may look into picking up a pair somewhere else, which is a nice perk of Stitch Fix!
Stitch Fix Item #2 – Dark Green Emily Rose Deb Zipper Detail Cardigan – $58
In my first Stitch Fix they also sent me a cardigan, and I was the first one I have ever tried on for myself. I guess they think I really look good in cardigans because they sent me another one this month. This one had a lot of character with the zippers, was very comfy and fun. I wasn’t super sold on the brighter green color, or the zippers, but kinda liked it at the same time too.
Again, my big problem with cardigans though is that I live in Texas. And other than the one week of 20-40 degrees we had two weeks ago, it is warm here like all the time. Like, Christmas day was 75 degrees and I was sweating in jeans and T-shirt. No joke. So, a cardigan, just like my sweatshirt and adorable red wool jacket I own, would collect dust in my closet most of the year. I don’t really need a cardigan as long as I live in Texas.
And the Stitch Fix price of $58 seemed too much for a piece I won’t get much use of right now in my life.
Stitch Fix Item #3 – Dex Trixy V-Neck Blouse – $64
A “blouse” is not something I own. I don’t know why exactly, either. So I was curious about this one.
It was a very thin material (good for Texas!), yet dark so you couldn’t really see undershirt or garments under it, which was good. However, because there was a peephole triangle cut out at the bottom of the black insert to add some modest in the V-neck, I had to wear a tank top underneath the shirt (not so great for Texas). I have no idea why they would design a shirt in such a weird way! Why would I want to show a tiny triangle of a white chest in this otherwise nice top?
I actually liked how the blouse looked on me for the most part and found it very flattering! It looked good with the jeans and with the skirt. It was light and flowy, and pretty. But, also somehow fit my style.
But, that darn peephole, the Stitch fix price of $64, and the fact that sometimes the triangle got off-centered which then made me look sloppy (shirts tend to get off-centered looking on me naturally anyway as I broke my collarbone as a toddler and shirts always shift to one side). So I didn’t keep it but I would love a top similar to this to try again.
I couldn’t find Dex at a lot of online retailers, or not a lot of items, so it would’ve been a good one to keep should I have L-O-V-E’d it.
Stitch Fix Item #4 – Pale Lavender Lila Ryan Nila Pencil Skirt – $98
My stylist said, “I know you’re a fan of pencil skirts and I thought this pale lavender would be a flattering color on you and fun for any upcoming holiday parties.” I am a fan of pencil skirts! I loved the one they sent me in my first box (mostly) and I own several beside. I think they look good on me.
The skirt fit pretty well though it tended to ride up a little, and it was super hard to walk up my stairs in it. Actually, I partially broke the little thread holding the back slit closed when I went up my stairs! I think it was a nice lined, skirt, in a fun color (I love wearing purple!) but it was a little too tight and restrictive (at church, where I’d wear the skirt, I work with the children so I am up and down quite a bit and running around the church quite a bit).
This pencil skirt was also the most expensive item in my December Stitch Fix at the whopping Stitch Fix price of $98. Because it is exclusive to Stitch Fix, I don’t have the option of picking it up anywhere else either.
Stitch Fix Item #5 – Yellow Bancroft Stina Pave Clover Necklace – $28
My stylist included this long “gold” necklace to go along with the Marlyn Schiff Delilah Round Crystal Earrings I got in my first fix (and kept). I have a few other long necklaces, but I have to say, I really loved this one! It did match, though not perfectly, with my earrings (which I still love and wear often) and is such an easy way for me to dress up all the plain, solid colored tops I wear.

This is my “normal” dressier clothes that I own with my Stitch Fix earrings and necklace.
At the Stitch Fix price of $28, I kept the necklace even though it felt pretty cheap as it’s actually very lightweight and plastic-feeling. I went for looks and it looks more expensive than it feels.
Apparently, Stitch Fix is winning at getting me to buy new jewelry pieces! I’m excited about dressing up some plain shirts with it.
Stitch Fix Prices
I was very surprised when I looked at the prices of all the items they sent me this month.
As I pointed out in my first post, I’m not sold on their service by and large because of the cost of their clothing and services. I am a frugal, tight-wad individual who also happens to want to invest a little into myself and my wardrobe with more quality pieces. So for them to send me clothing pieces that started at $58 and went as high as $98 was shocking!
Even if I were to keep all five pieces in order to receive the Buy 5 discount of 25% the entire box would have cost me $252!! For FIVE new wardrobe pieces. That’s $50.40 each!
My last box’s subtotal was only $226 before the 25% off discount, so the huge increase on this December Stitch Fix to a subtotal of $336 was insane. This December box was $110 more expensive than my last fix!
That’s a lot of money. Especially at Christmas time. However, it would totally make a great gift! You can gift Stitch Fix Gift cards to friends who already love it or who want to try it out themselves!
What bothers me is that three of my pieces were “Stitch Fix Exclusives” which means I cannot find these exact items anywhere else. They are exclusive to Stitch Fix members. While that’s cool on one hand, it also means they can charge full retail prices because it won’t be found on sale at Macy’s anytime soon.
For a full list of all the Stitch Fix Pros and Cons be sure to see my post on my third Stitch Fix box review! If you are pregnant, check out my Stitch Fix Maternity Review.
Also check out my list of 16 Stitch Fix Alternatives, my Le Tote Review, and the list of 6 Clothing Styling Services for Men too!
Stitch Fix Feedback
After I tried on all my pieces, had my daughter take pictures of me in said pieces (she did great, right?!), and made my buying decisions, I informed Stitch Fix of what I was keeping and what I was sending back via their enclosed returned packaging envelope. I made sure to do it within the three-day window (which is still insanely short in my opinion).
As I gave feedback on each piece, I was honest in my review and disappointment in some of the pieces. At the end they offered to waive my next styling fee (I guess I marked things a little too harshly – didn’t really mean to) because I wasn’t satisfied with my box. So I scheduled my next fix for January 2017. I mean, if it’s free, then I have nothing to lose to try them again, so why not? They do claim that each fix gets better over time as they get to know me.
We’ll see if I can find a clothing piece to keep in addition to jewelry in my next month’s fix.
If you want to try Stitch Fix for yourself, or for a friend, they offer fixes for both men, women, maternity and plus size. I would appreciate if you used my Stitch Fix referral link so you can help me earn $25 in credits. Thank you if you do!
Jenny @ Unremarkable Files says
$88 for a pair of jeans? Are you trying to kill me??
Katelyn Fagan says
lol!! I know!!!
Tamara says
My sister actually uses Stitch Fix and she absolutely loves it! She’s only kept one article of clothing so far lol but no complaints.
Megan says
Great post. Love your insights and delivery. Thanks
Melody Klein says
I have had 4 Stich Fix boxes so far. I have liked all boxes except my third box. I felt like each box got better. I have upgrade my price range and I have gotten clothes from Stich Fix that are a really great addition to my waredrob. I have been really happy with my fixes except for one box.. I recommend Stich Fix for women and men. My son had gotten Stich Fix as well, and these are some of the best pieces in his waredrbe. Mine as well.. Thanks Stich Fix…
Tracie says
I’ve done stitch fix for a year now. Several times I’ve kept everything, but I’m usual more picky and just chose one. When I do select something, I also remove one or two similar items from my closet. I’m developing a capsule closet and my stylist knows what I have and want. She also knows the colors and textured I like.
Because I hate shopping for clothes, this has been a good subscription for me.
Kathy Poston says
I really was disappointed that I didn’t see what you kept and what you sent back. Loved your reviews though and I think you’re spot on!
Katelyn Fagan says
Oh! I thought I shared those details. The only item I kept from this particular fix was the necklace for $28. I still like that necklace and wear it.