Learn how to make Gender Reveal Scratch Off Cards with an easy Cricut template perfect for twins! This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Cricut for Cricut. All opinions are 100% mine.

We are expecting twins! Again!
Yes, really.
Come late August or early September, we will have seven children, including two sets of twins, who were our first children, and (probably) our last children, with three singletons between them, all in a 10-year span.

It’s pretty crazy. We’re so going to be that family everyone talks about for having two sets of twins.
We never ever planned on having either set of twins, always just going into trying for a baby, as well, trying for a baby, not two.
We never underwent fertility treatments, ever. I guess I’m just an extra egg dropper and God has a sense of humor and really trusts us to do this parenting thing for some crazy reason.
Finding out we were having twins this time around was actually less shocking than the first time. This is in part because if you have one set of fraternal twins, your odds greatly increase of having another set of fraternal twins (over someone who has never had twins).
But, also because we found out sooner this time. The first time we didn’t know we were expecting twins until 18 weeks when I went in for the full anatomy scan (eagerly looking forward to learning if it would be a boy or girl).
And for some reason, we kept joking about “what if it’s twins?” during the early part of this pregnancy. In part, for fun as we joked about dumb baby name combinations, but also to gawk at that possibility.
In fact, one of our twin daughters would pray “for the babies growing inside mommy’s tummy to be healthy and strong.” Afterward, I’d give her a look, like babies? You meant baby, right?
So when we finally had our early ultrasound at 12 weeks gestation, and the ultrasound tech said, “Oh, you’re having twins” all nonchalantly (very similar to the last time a tech informed us we were having twins), we just laughed and laughed.
Of course there were really two in there!
We are shocked but also super happy and excited about this unexpected news, even if it will make life harder, and force us into buying a bigger vehicle (12-passenger van here we come).
Twin Gender Reveal Ideas
The next big question, of course, is what are their genders?!
As we counted down the days to our big ultrasound anatomy scan, we started brainstorming ways we could reveal the babies’ genders to family, friends, and social media.
Because of a certain virus going around right now, throwing a gender reveal party with local friends is not a possibility.
Plus, my mother is currently stuck in a nursing home, recovering from a bad fall that required two surgeries, not allowed any visitors, and isn’t very tech-savvy, at all.
So, we thought it would be fun to mail her (and other immediate family members, especially of the older generation like my husband’s 95-year-old grandmother) something that reveals the genders of their newest grandbabies.
We recently received a Cricut machine and a bunch of accessories and have had so much fun time figuring out all the amazing things it can do. Thankfully, we have plenty of extra time stuck at home to do just that.
We’ve made paper boxes to fill with treats to drop off on our neighbor’s porches, custom T-shirts, and more.

Twin Gender Reveal Scratch-Off Card
But, creating my own gender reveal scratch-off card is the first real project I put together on my own, which certainly brought its own learning curve.
My idea for this gender reveal was to make it a card flat that could easily fit inside a regular long envelope (though you can totally make your own envelopes with the Cricut machine as well).
But, to make the card more fun, and trendy, I wanted to make it a scratch-off gender reveal! Who doesn’t love the surprise of a scratch-off as you work to reveal the secret of boy or girl or both!
If you want to do a gender reveal, this could be a fun idea for you too!
Of course, mine is designed specifically as a twin gender reveal, but you could customize it for one baby and make it all your own!
Gender Reveal Scratch Off Template for Cricut
If you are new to Cricut, they are a crafters dream.
Their machines and tools can help you customize and create a wide variety of projects like home decor, paper crafts, party supplies, clothing, planners, vinyl decals, and more!

You can find Cricut products at Target, too!
I was sent the Circuit Family Maker Air II which is the machine that cuts the paper, templates, iron-ons, and vinyl, plus also draws, scores, and more.
I also received the Cricut EasyPress2 which is so fun and easy enough for even my 10-year-old daughters to use (who totally love the Cricut already and want to make and customize all the things). The EasyPress2 is great for adding custom details and designs to fabrics!

You can download my custom Cricut twins gender reveal scratch-off card template here for the Cricut Design Space.
How to Make a Gender Reveal Scratch-Off Card for Twins
Materials Needed for Gender Reveal Scratch-Off Cards
- Cricut Design Space Software
- Cricut Family Maker 2 (or other Maker)
- Yellow Cardstock
- Black Cardstock
- Peach Cardstock
- White or Cream Cardstock
- Printer with colored ink
- Glue stick
- Glue dots (or rolled up clear tape)
- Plate/palette
- Acrylic paint (Silver color preferred)
- Dish Soap
- Flat-edged paintbrush
- Silver glitter (optional)
- Standard #10 Envelopes (4.13″ x 9.5″)

Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Make Gender Reveal Scratch-Off Cards for Twins with Cricut
- Head to my Twins Gender Reveal Scratch-Off Card Cricut Design Space project and customize as needed.
Head to my Cricut Design Space project.
- Customize the Genders.
To customize it for the genders of your twin babies, click the “Customize” button. Then click on the bottom “Flatten” layer that is the background image and unflatten the image. Now you’ll be able to see all the individual color pieces for the babies (you can change the color of their skin, hats, diapers, and cheeks). You can also change the color of the font if you so desire.
- Reflatten the Image and Send to Back
Once you have Twin A and Twin B the colors you want, based on their actual genders, select the group that contains the babies and the text, and click “Flatten” again. Under “Arrange” send the image to the back.
- Customize the Rest of the Card
If you want to change the color of the hands or the frame, or anything, do that now by selecting the object you want to change the color of, and then picking a different color.
- Click Make It!
When you have the correct genders of the babies, and frame and rest of the card designed to your liking, click the green “Make It” button.
- Print the Poem
After the new screen appears, click the green “Continue” button at the bottom right of the screen. Insert white or cream 8.5″ x 11″ cardstock paper (so the receiver can’t see through the back) into your printer. Click the green “Send to Printer” button, selecting your correct color printer from the options. You can choose to add the bleed or have it removed. Then click the green “Print” button.
- Connect Your Cricut Machine
Make sure your Cricut Family Maker 2 is connected and synced up to Design Space.
- Cut the Card Out
It’s helpful to trim down the paper to only the dimensions necessary, prior to putting them on the Cricut cutting mats. I used the green Everyday mat, but any mat should work for this. Cut each color one at a time, using the correct paper setting for the cardstock or other paper you are cutting.
- Remove the Cut Pieces
Once your pieces are all cut, gently remove them from the mats and remove the excess paper from the mats and cuts. Set them aside for now.
- Cut Clear Packing Tape and Put Over Babies
In order to make the scratch-off part of the card, you’ll need clear packing tape. Cut down the packing tape so it’ll be slightly larger than the babies, or about 1″ x 1.5″. Use the Cricut cutting board to make it easier to cut straight lines and measure. Once cut, carefully put the tape over each baby.
- Mix the Scratch-Off Paint Medium
Mix some silver acrylic paint with a few drops of dish soap on a plate or other palette until combined.
- Paint on Scratch-Off Paint
Paint scratch-off mixture on top of the clear tape, using a flat paintbrush and applying a thin coat of paint. Once dry, add another layer, and then another if needed, until you can no longer see the baby underneath.
(Optional) Add some silver glitter to the last layer when it is wet. Helpful if you don’t have a silver or shimmer acrylic paint. When dry, gently tap off the excess. - Assemble the Card
Cut the frame and glue onto the printed poem paper.
Glue the lighter hands on top of the dark hands, offset a little. Glue the baby feet offset on the twins logo feet a little so the darker color underneath shows up.
Use glue dots, or a small rolled up piece of clear tape, and attach the twins font, and the baby hands, so they “float” a little above the card. - Address and Mail
Your gender reveal scratch-off card is now done! Address the standard #10 envelope, insert the card, add postage, stick in the mail box, and wait for excited phone calls to come your way as your recipients receive the card and the news of your twin babies genders!
You can always add and adhere additional details to the envelopes, or even make the envelope using your Cricut machine.
You can even put in a penny or nickle into the envelope so your recipient doesn’t have to go find a coin.
And that’s it!!

I hope you love this idea! I think it’s super creative, cute, and fun! It may have taken me quite a while to figure out how to do everything in Design Space as I’m brand new to it, but now I know so much better how to use it.
If you don’t have a Cricut machine, I highly recommend getting one! It has been so much fun already, and we’ve only had it for two weeks! If you have tweens or teens, they’ll also love using it for all sorts of things.
Be sure to pick up a machine and all the different supplies at Target.com!
The Gender of Our Second Set of Twins
Oh, so you want to know the gender of our second set of twins, huh?
Our first set of twins were fraternal girls. Then we had a boy, and then two more singleton girls.
With four girls, and only one boy, many of us hoped for at least one of these twins to be a boy, just so our son could have a brother, even if he’d be 7 years younger.
Well, we had our ultrasound appointment on April 13, 2020, found out the genders, and mailed off our gender reveal scratch cards to close family and friends, so now we can tell you!
We are having….
Twin A is a Baby Girl and Twin B is a baby boy!
Isn’t that exciting?!
Our son will finally get a brother!
For more Gender Reveal Ideas, be sure to check out the following posts:
- Ideas to Pull Off an Interactive Gender Reveal Scavenger Hunt
- 18 Super Fun and Cute Gender Reveal Poems and Riddles
- More than 80 Cute Gender Reveal Sayings Ideas
- 15+ Adorable Baby Gender Reveal eCards and GIF Animations
- How to Buy or Make Your Own Gender Reveal Pinatas
- 10 Gender Reveal Party Games to Amp Up the Fun
- 21 Gender Reveal Cake Ideas
- 10+ Gender Reveal Centerpiece Ideas
- How to Buy or Make Your Own Gender Reveal Boxes
- Make Your Gender Reveal Pop with Gender Reveal Balloons
- Gender Reveal Shirts for Everyone
- 8 Fun Gender Reveal Ideas that Involve the Kids
Debra says
Congrats on boy and girl.
Katelyn Fagan says
Thank you Debra!!
Jenna says
Congratulations ?so wonderful
Katelyn Fagan says
Thank you Jenna! It is wonderful!
Congrats! That is awesome! I always think it is wonderful for kids to be able to have both brother’s and sisters. So happy for your son!
Katelyn Fagan says
Thank you!! We’re so excited for him too, and all of us.
Hitomi says
Katelyn Fagan says
thank you!