Looking to give service for the 12 Days of Christmas? Here are 12 Days of Christmas Gift Ideas for a Secret Santa!

I’ll never forget hearing that knock on our door, opening our front door and discovering no one there. Instead, there was a present waiting for us.
It was Christmas 2011 and our little family of four was going through a very rough time.
At the beginning of November, my husband was in a major car accident that totaled our one and only vehicle, broke my husband’s sternum, and left him unable to work for the next two months, decreasing our already small income.
My husband suffered from depression, went to physical therapy, and I lost our new pregnancy via miscarriage during this time too. We added on a car payment we couldn’t really afford and found ourselves drowning in even more debt.
We knew that Christmas this year was going to tight, to say the least.
Thankfully, our twins were only about 20 months old and didn’t know how magical and full of presents Christmas was supposed to be.
So to be spoiled by an anonymous Secret Santa, not once, but for twelve whole days was such a delight!
We never were able to confirm 100% who was blessing our family in such a wonderful way, though we know it was someone from our LDS church.
It was so much fun opening an anonymous gift every day for 12 days and the gifts were really great too!
Because our family was so blessed by this 12 Days of Christmas Secret Santa I wanted to share with everyone what they gifted us so that you may bless someone in the same way!

12 Days of Christmas Secret Santa Gift Ideas
Our Secret Santa gifted us items based on the song “12 Days of Christmas” Christmas song but also catered to our family – two adults and 2 toddler twin girls.
Each day we received a wrapped present along with a cute little note.
I took a picture of all the notes they sent me (which we numbered on the back) so you could see what they look like too.
I don’t have the digital versions of the exact printables pictures below, but I do have some 12 Days of Christmas printables you can attach for each themed day to your gift, writing your own little poem on the back.
I have also gone ahead and added in some additional ideas for each day, so you can customize it more for the family you’re gifting it to!
You can also check out my post with 6 fun and affordable Secret Santa Gifts for Kids.
First Day of Christmas Gift Idea – Partridge in a Pear Tree
For the First Day of Christmas, we received a box of canned pears! Yum!
Our note read:
On the FIRST day of Christmas my true love gave to me a partridge in a pear tree!
Roses are red and these pears are green, a partridge from friends that cannot be seen. We’ll have to be tricky, don’t watch for us running. If you catch us too early, we just might stop coming!!!!
I liked that they issued a note of caution to not peak, but to let them keep giving to us anonymously. They also made it clear they were coming back and that we could expect more in the days to come.
Other first day of Christmas gift ideas:
- Partridge Family Christmas Audio CD
- Fresh Pear Pie
- Partridge Ornament
- Pear Ornament
- Partridge in a Pear Tree T-shirt
Second Day of Christmas Gift Idea – 2 Turtle Doves
On the Second Day of Christmas, we received a bottle of Dove body wash and a bag of Dove chocolates.
The second day’s note said:
On the SECOND day of Christmas my true love gave to me 2 turtle doves!
Surely two turtle doves would have brightened your day. Instead you get chocolate and soap, ’cause the birds flew away!
I was totally okay with chocolates and chocolates.
But, if you want other ideas for two turtle dove gifts, any “Dove” brand personal care products will work or anything with a Dove bird works too, as well as any items that come in pairs.
For example:
Third Day of Christmas Gift Idea – 3 French Hens
On the third Day of Christmas, we received a $10 gift card to Chick-Fil-A!
Our note said:
On the THIRD day of Christmas my true love gave to me 3 French hens!
As the story tells it, three hens you should get, but France is sold out so warm this “starter set”!!
$10 to eat some hot delicious chicken was great for us!
But, maybe it’s not so great for your giftee. Try the following gift ideas for three french hens:
- A French-themed movie like French Kiss, Chocolat, Ratatouille, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Les Misérables, or Midnight in Paris
- French Music
- Loaf of French bread
- French perfume
- Eiffel Tower Decor
- French Macarons
- Sorting Eggs Toys
Fourth Day of Christmas Gift Idea – 4 Calling Birds
On the Fourth Day of Christmas, we received two baby dolls in bird costumes, which were adorable.
Our note said:
On the FOURTH day of Christmas my true love gave to me 4 calling birds!
These four calling birds look kind of suspicious. But take a closer look, they might be delicious!
We never figured out how these dolls were “delicious”? We suspect that maybe the fourth day and third day’s presents should have been switched? Who knows? We were happy to have some cute new dolls for our twins.
Other gifts ideas for four calling birds are:
- Three Hens and Peacock children’s book
- Bird Feeder or Hummingbird Feeder
- Bird House
- Calling Cards
- Kids Play phone
- Bird Field Guide
Fifth Day of Christmas Gift Idea – Five Gold Rings
On the Fifth Day of Christmas, we received five ring pops! The girls loved them.
Our note said:
On the FIFTH day of Christmas my true love gave to me 5 golden rings!
Gold doesn’t come cheap, as you and I know. Five rings would be a whole lot of dough. Instead, try these babies on for size. They’re sweeter you know, just a word from the wise!
Other gift ideas for five gold rings are:
- Butterscotch Lifesavers
- Pineapple (sliced into rings)
- Pineapple uncut with a pineapple slicer/corer
- Gold foiled chocolate coins
- Funyuns
- Onion Rings (frozen or hot)
- Gold rings
- Necklace with five rings
- Gold bracelets
- DVD of Woman in Gold, Gold Rush America, Goldfinger, or Fool’s Gold
Sixth Day of Christmas Gift Idea – Six Geese-a-Laying
On the Sixth Day of Christmas, we received six plastic Easter eggs filled with Hershey Kisses.
This day’s note said:
On the SIXTH day of Christmas, my true love gave to me 6 geese-a-laying!
Six geese-a-laying, that’s an interesting sight. One of them squawked, and they all took flight. Lucky for you, they left something behind. If you eat these all up, I don’t think they’ll mind!
Other gift ideas for the six geese-a-laying gift are:
- Six real eggs
- IHOP gift card (so they can get an egg breakfast)
- Breakfast sandwich maker
- Egg Slicer
- Eggnog
- Cadbury Creme Eggs or Cadbury mini chocolate eggs
- Quiche Pan
- Goose down comforter (or goose alternative)
- Top Gun “Goose” shirt
- Loosey Goosey stuffed plush toy
- The Day the Goose Got Loose book
Seventh Day of Christmas Gift Idea – Seven Swans-a-Swimming
On the Seventh Day of Christmas, we received a bag of Swedish Fish.
This day’s note read:
On the SEVENTH day of Christmas, my true love gave to me 7 swans-a-swimming!
It’s the 7th day of Christmas and we’re halfway done. Remember: NO peeking, or you’ll spoil the fun. Seven swans went swimming in a lake full of bubbles. Eating all the goldfish to take away their troubles!
Other seven swans-a-swimming gift ideas include water-related toys, water treats, and swan items like:
- The Swan Princess DVD or Barbie of Swan Lake DVD
- Giant Pool Swam Float or Swan Tube
- Swan Planter
- Swan Earrings
- Bubble bath
Eighth Day of Christmas Gift Idea – Eight Maids-a-Milking
On the Eighth day of Christmas, we received eight little chocolate milk chugs. They were delicious.
Today’s message read:
On the EIGHTH day of Christmas, my true love gave to me 8 maids-a-milking!
The maids were out milking when Oh! What a fright! The milk came out brown not the usual white!
Other 8 maids-a-milking gift ideas are:
- Honey Maid Graham Crackers
- Swiss Miss hot cocoa
- Maid Service (Gift them a Groupon deal for one!)
- Milk chocolate candies
- Milk Pitcher/Jug
- Breastmilk feeding set (if an expecting/new mom)
- Milk and cookie mugs or cow mug
- Cow socks
- Kids Cow Robe
The Ninth Day of Christmas Gift Idea – 9 Ladies Dancing
On the Ninth Day of Christmas, we received the LDS Primary Children’s Songs on CD. How awesome!
This day’s message was:
On the NINTH day of Christmas, my true love gave to me 9 ladies dancing!
Nine ladies dancing would be a big crowd. Besides all their music is just way too loud. So to help with the tunes and your first dance step, pop in these beats and try a pirouette!
More nine ladies dancing gift ideas:
- The Nutcracker DVD
- Ballerina Necklace
- Just Dance video game
- Dance Music CD or your favorite Christmas album
- Dance lessons (easy to gift with a Groupon)
- Tickets to a Ballet (see if there is a Groupon deal)
The Tenth Day of Christmas Gift Idea – 10 Lords-a-leaping
On the Tenth Day of Christmas, we received ten little toy frogs.
And for the 10th day we got this message:
On the TENTH day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, 10 Lords-a-leaping!
Then Lords-a-Leaping would have been an awesome gift. But they got stuck jumping through a white snowdrift. In the meantime, we hope that these frogs will suffice. Just pucker up, they’ll turn into something dashing and nice.
More ten lords a leaping gift ideas involve Jesus as Lord or leaping gifts:
- Jump rope
- Leap! DVD or Leap Year DVD
- Grace, Gold, and Glory My Leap of Faith book by Gabrielle Douglas
- LeapFrog brand products
- Serve the Lord with Joy cutting board
- Kids Nativity Set
- Nativity ornament
- Nativity coloring pages
- Nativity costume
- Children’s Christmas book about the Savior
The Eleventh Day of Christmas Gift Idea – 11 Pipers Piping
On the Eleventh day of Christmas, we received a box of hot chocolate mix, which was perfect since we were out and love hot chocolate!
Today’s poem was:
On the ELEVENTH day of Christmas, my true love gave to me 11 pipers piping!
Eleven pipers piping remind us of our plumber. To leave him on the doorstep would be a real big bummer. Now make your water piping hot and fill your cups with care. Tonight you get hot chocolate so drink it up, don’t share!
More eleven pipers piping gift ideas:
- Whistles
- Mini Flute Toys
- Piping (for sewing)
- Cake decorating piping kit
- Mini baby bagpipe
- A Piping Hot Christmas – 14 Christmas Hits on the Bagpipes CD
- Thermos (for keeping food/drinks piping hot)
- Tea kettle
The Twelveth Day of Christmas Gift Idea – 12 Drummers Drumming
On the Twelfth Day of Christmas, we received twelve ice cream Drumsticks. So good!
And our last 12 days of Christmas Secret Santa message read:
On the TWELFTH day of Christmas, my true love gave to me 12 drummers drumming!
The drummers use their drumsticks and are quite cunning. We are too, BUT don’t want to keep running. We hope you had fun. We certainly did. Happy 12 Days of Christmas!
Other twelve drummers drumming gift ideas:
- Hape Little Drummer Wooden Drum Set
- Drumset ornament
- Desktop Drum set
- Rockband Game Bundle
- Bongos
- KFC drumsticks for dinner!
Here’s a picture of some of the things they gave us.

Not all are pictured, because, well, we ate a lot of it! Several of the gifts came in those nice Christmas gift boxes piled on the left.
Receiving these gifts has been so nice and they are really great and thoughtful gifts, catered to us and our family.
It was really exciting to know that our Secret Santa would be coming and dropping off gifts at about 6PM each night… that is until we left to go to Wisconsin for Christmas.
We were sad and worried that we wouldn’t get to finish it out, but on Sunday our Secret Santa showed up later that evening with the rest of the days!
Thank you Secret Santa! You definitely made Christmas so much better!
You can download them (and several other Christmas printables) for FREE when you sign up in the form below!
Be sure to check out more of my great Christmas content!
- 5 Fantastic Elf on the Shelf Alternatives
- The Best 25 Nativity Sets
- 8 Traditional Stocking Stuffers
- How to Assemble Blessings Bags for Homeless People
- How to Limit Christmas Gifts to 3 or 4 (Without Being a Scrooge)
- 27 Free DIY Homemade Christmas Stocking Patterns and Tutorials
- Fun Ways to Countdown to Christmas with Kids
- 25 Days of Christmas Advent Calendar
- 40 Ingenious Ways to Reuse and Recycle Christmas Cards & Wrapping Paper
Denyse @ Glitter, Glue & Paint says
This is so cute. I love all the little added sayings. Thanks for sharing at Throwback Thursday.
Julia says
I think this was a very thoughtful and smart thing to do I loved the creativity of the sayings that were included. Thanks for the ideas.
Lynn says
When were these gifts started? Before or after Christmas?
Katelyn Fagan says
We were given then 12 days before Christmas, though I know traditionally the 12 days of Christmas begins after. Do whatever makes sense to you!
Patsy says
I have requested the 12 days of Christmas
Printable and have not been able to download.
I would really like to have them. Thank you!
Tara says
I don’t see the images with gifts that you talked about. Somebody did this for our family when I was a kid and we loved it so much just wish I could remember the clever sayings and what gifts they left…